“Cleveland’s Unexpectedly Good Bluegrass Band”
new singles out
The Boys don’t know who Larry Lumpf is, but they swear no one's said it better: “There is a middle way between nihilism and eternalism–you have what you have while you have it. It is better to have had sugar for a while than never to have had it... if everything was sugar, there would be no sugar.”
But if philosophy isn’t your thing there’s still a strong chance you’ll find yourself dancin’ your boots off to a Sugar Mules tune. As of today, they have eight singles out, showcasing their ability to compose original Bluegrass music that is fresh and dynamic. You can hear em' fighting their damnedest to occupy that liminal space – the Bluegrass Yin and Yang – of progressive and traditional sound.
Cleveland, OH-based and Cleveland-loyal, Sugar Mules have got Lake Erie water pumping through their veins. Strike a match–they dare ya…